We are grateful for the following organisations who have published great advice for families with similar conditions to XLP, and for those who have been through stem cell transplants. Please ensure that you are in touch with your own medical team if you have any concerns. They should always be
Events are moving fast with the global spread of Coronavirus so it's essential that if you have any concerns you should contact your local doctors. We have found that the following web sites have been very helpful and are being updated regularly)Immune Deficiency Foundation - Helpful Resources for COVID-19 Anthony Nolan
Events are moving fast with the global spread of Coronavirus so it's essential that if you have any concerns you should contact your local doctors. We have found that the following web sites have been very helpful (and are being updated regularly) Immune Deficiency Foundation - Helpful Resources for COVID-1
Please to confirm the date for this is Monday 19th October, directly after the ESID conference. We now have a call for papers. Please visit our ‘Research’ page and then click ‘Symposiums’
Our friend Pete Bond is embarking on running the London Marathon this April for XLP. Check out his blog here.
Working with our friends at PIA UK, we're pleased to announce the availability of new leaflets for both XLP1 and XIAP. Ready for download.
The latest agenda for our forthcoming symposium has just been published. Please visit our medical research pages for details.